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January 2018

My Favorite Three Decoys January 2018


                  Ben Sohm filled in for Tim Sieger who was not able to attend the January meeting.  Ben actually brought four decoys to show and talk about.

                  The first decoy he showed was an Obediah Verity peep. It is a well-used shorebird, with plenty of wear, some shot holes and beautiful faded stipple paint. The shorebird was purchased from fellow club member Dick La Fountain.

                  Ben’s attraction to Seaford birds comes from him growing up In Seaford and knowing some of its famous carvers.  Ben’s grandfather was a decoy carver, a guide, a market gunner and a bayman who nurtured Ben’s love of duck hunting and decoys.

                  His second decoy was a William Southard Yellowlegs believed to never have been shot over because it shows no signs of use.  Ben feels the wonderful shape of the bird makes up for the basic stipple painting.

                  The third decoy he showed was a balsa wood black duck carved by Harold Putallaz. Ben chose

this decoy because it is a working bird and has great form. But even more importantly because of the

fact that it was carved by his lifelong friend Harold Putallaz and they gunned together many times.

                  The last decoy Ben showed was a Seaford cork black duck which was carved by his grandfather Frank Roach circa 1961. Ben’s grandfather carved the decoy for him when Ben began to gun. Ben clearly remembers how his grandfather showed him the step by step process of carving the classic Seaford bird.

                  Thank you to Ben for showing and sharing some of his favorite decoys and why they all have very special meaning to him. 

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