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October 2018
My Three Favorite Decoys..
The favorite three speaker for October was Andy Kazanecki. Andy brought in three decoys to show members and talk about.
The first decoy he showed was a Broadbill carved by Bill Joeckel from North Great River, New York. The decoy has a basswood head with a cork body. Andy was friends with Bill who made the decoy for Al Schultz’s father, and because this decoy was so nice, it was never gunned over. Andy purchased it from Al Schultz in 2013.
The second decoy Andy showed was a Hen Mallard from the Old Saybrook Connecticut Wildfowler factory. He purchased this all wood decoy at an antiques store in the summer of 2018. It’s a favorite of Andy’s because of its wear and tear from use and because of the name and address on the bottom is from Bay City, Michigan. Andy added that he wondered what amazing stories it could tell if this particular decoy could talk.
The third decoy that Andy showed was by Stony Brook carver Gene Wells. The all wood Broadbill Drake decoy was bought by Andy in 2012 at an antique store. He likes it because it’s a Long Island bird and its wear and tear.
In closing, Andy thanked us for picking him to do his favorite three. And we thank him for bringing in three of his favorites and sharing them with us.
Pip Pipczynski is scheduled for the December meeting with George Grivas scheduled for January 2019.

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