June 2018
My Three Favorite Decoys.. (Four)
Gil Herzy was the favorite three speaker for the June meeting but he actually brought in four decoys to show and talk about.
The first decoy Gil showed was a cork black duck by carver Daniel Tushenske of Bayshore. Gil received this decoy in 1972 as a gift from Tom Murray’s wife. It is one of his favorites because he really likes the workmanship and design of this bird.
The second decoy Gil showed was a cork black duck by carver Al Rollman of Babylon. He acquired it in 1975 when he purchased it from Al. It is a favorite of Gils’ because Al was a good friend of his and a master craftsman.
The third decoy was a cork black duck which was found on Oak Island before 1972. Gil likes this decoy because it is a great example of folk art with excellent repairs.
The fourth decoy Gil showed was a wooden black duck by Bill Joeckel. Gil received this bird as a gift from Bill in the early 80s. He said that this decoy shows Bills’ genius in both carving and painting. Gil added that he is honored to have this decoy displayed on his mantle at his home.
We thank Gil for bringing in several of his favorite decoys and sharing their history and what makes them his favorites.
Ed Wortmann is scheduled for the September meeting with Andy Kazanecki scheduled for October.